Every first Tuesday in November, Election Day, we get a chance to have our say and evaluate the candidates and hold them accountable for the job they have done. It is a day we should hold in awe. It is the day we get our chance to say yea or nay to those that are in power, the individuals we entrust with our collective, and our personal well-being. We can have a one-day revolution and change our government without the firing of a single shot.

Before going to the polls to vote we should be asking ourselves the following three questions:

  1. How did Connecticut ever get into this mess?
  2. Are  our representatives representing us wisely, and serving in the best interests  of "we the people," are they representing a special interest agenda or doggedly pursuing an ideology.?
  3. What can I do and how can I vote to get out of this mess?

The Democratic Party controls the Governorship, the the majority in both the State Senate and the State Assembly. We are particularly concerned with the Democratic Party incumbents running for legislative offices. 

Successive terms of Democratic Party legislators have held an uninterrupted majority, controlled the agenda and set policies for the past four decades.

Under the majority Democratic Party leadership, Connecticut has suffered:

  • three credit rating downgrades
  • a massive outmigration of businesses and population
  • a $3.8 billion loss of personal income
  • a massive regulatory environment 
  • schools burdened with unfunded mandates
  • crumbling infrastructure
  • enormous unfunded pension liabilities that are the second highest in the nation 
  • an unemployment rate that consistently exceeds the national average 
  • a job creation rate that trails the other 49 states 
  • tax-supported debt of $5,457 per resident which is the most nationwide, according to Moody’s
  • Perpetual budget deficits
  • A failed urban policy for our largest cities

We will be voting for a President, a United States Senator, a United States Congressman and our entire state legislature.  We at Make Connecticut Great Again are going to expose the incumbents who have records and histories of contributing to the deterioration of Connecticut. It is completely unreasonable to expect a different outcome from the Democratic incumbents who created this problem, have made our problems worse and have demonstrated an inability to exert the discipline to implement policies to make our state vialble for the overburdened taxpayers and businesses in Connecticut.

We can have a one-day revolution and change our destiny and “Make Connecticut Great Again”.  Your vote has never been more crucial. 

Constitution Of The State Of Connecticut

SEC. 2. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit; and they have at all times an undeniable and indefeasible right to alter their form of government in such manner as they may think expedient.


"(Taxes) will in the end will be borne by all classes; yet it is of the greatest importance that no one sink under the immediate pressure"

        Alexander Hamilton

About Make Connecticut Great Again

​​​​​Make Connecticut Great Again

"Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Thomas Jefferson