​​​​​Make Connecticut Great Again

Connecticut Progressive Caucus Working Against The Will Of The People

​​​​​​​​​We support our families, bestow solid values on our children and vote for candidates we expect to look out for our best interests. We recieve deceptive glowing reports from many elected officials while the condition of Connecticut deteriorates, taxes become stratospheric, and regulations stifle business. We are going to present facts on officeholders and information you Need To Know. 
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Make Connecticut Great Agian in not a Political Acton Committee and is not funded by any political party or condidate

Our great state has been systematically denegrated by successive terms of Democratic legislators and administrations that have fostered policies, instituted regulations and passed taxes without regard to their long term effect on the people and businesses of Connecticut. This site is about Connecticut's future to Make Connecticut Great Again. It is up to you.