For the past 30 years, the Democratic Party in Connecticut has evolved into a self-serving symbiotic relationship tightly controlled by the Unions and progressive interests. Democratic politicians rely on labor and progressive interests for their support and campaign funding, while the progressive interests and labor expect favorable support and public funding for their programs and initiatives. The resultant impacts are destroying the economic viability of Connecticut.
Sal Luciano LIindsay Farrell Jean Adnopoz Emily Byrne
AFL-CIO Working Families CT Voices of Children
These are the Robber Barons of today. They are not elected, not accountable to the public and they exert heavy control of the Democratic Party platform and the Democratic legislature. Their policies of self-interest, regardless of impact, have led to excessive regulations, unsustainable spending, unprecedented expansion of government, outrageous taxes and unaffordable state employee salaries and benefits that are crushing the taxpayers and businesses of Connecticut.
Make Connecticut Great Again
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