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State Senate
State Rep
Robber Barons
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The National Front
Legislative Session 2017
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Desecrating America
Need To Know
About Connecticut
State Senate
State Rep
Robber Barons
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Desecrating America
Make Connecticut Great Again
Trumps first full month in office brings
employment boom to US companies
Liberation Day
An open letter from 14 Medal of
Honor recipients to Sen Blumenthal...
Why policy matters
Stamford - Greenwich
office market
CT tax burden higher, biz climate
less favorable than other states
Vo-tech chief spent tax $ for
memberships for emplyees
that could vote for her
Obama decree continues to
make public schools lawless
Make the Democrats confront
murders by illegal aliens
Job gowth remains flat in Connecticut
Pratt & Whitney adding 500 jobs
in Columbus/$386m expansion
Follow The 2017 Legislative Session
Malloy's Connecticut
loses even more jobs
CT residents flee
Salaries, fringe benefits driving
tuition hikes at CT public colleges
Tolls are just a tax hike to avoid
economizing state government
50 years of big
ideas hurt Hartford
State government employees
are not the aren' CT's only
working people
Malloy budgets for big raises
yet seeks union concessions
Close vote favors tolls
CT standing on its own fiscal cliff
Hartford mayor proposes budget
that requires millions in state aid
Towns explore suing the state
over Malloy budget cuts
News Of Interest
RBS more Stamford layoffs
Alexion Pharmaceuticals of
New Haven to lay off 210
Battle resumes over opening
utility markets to Millstone
CT tax burden higher, biz climate
less favorable then other states
State pulls tax on
milage tax study
Ct's economic outlook
5th worst in US
Why people are leaving
blue state in drives
Blue state model
collapses in Connecticut
Town's explore suing the
state over Malloy's budget
Anthem uncertain it will continue
the CT"s individual market next year
Malloy wants state to make up
difference if Feds cut planned
parenthood funding
College leaders warn proposed
cuts would have big consequences
Ct features again on United
Van Lines outbound study
Consumer confidence soars
best reading in 16 years
What's the matter
with Connecticut, wsj
TOD the way Obama
wants you to live
CT 6th highest in US
for property tax rates
US created 235,000 jobs
in Feb, vs 190,000 expected
S&P worried about proposed
cost shift onto CT towns
CT recovery slowest
in Northeast
CT Governor calls for shakeup
in public education funding
CT tax revenue
plunge $1.5B
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